29 Apr Lifestyle: Business Cards – are they still worth it?
Anyone in business nowadays has some very high-tech ways of introducing themselves to people. That is why some business people wonder if having business cards made in 2019 is still worth it? Or if they should spend their money on some other business expense instead?
An inexpensive way to promote yourself — Even with email, smart phones and various apps, most business people still use business cards. Most will also be surprised if they ask you for yours, and you do not have one to give them. After all, getting business cards printed is a very inexpensive way of promoting yourself and your business.
People keep business cards — While you might think getting your name and phone number on someone’s smart phone is a better way of them remembering you, it really is not. In fact, while many people may not even remember who you are just days after you add your name to their phone directory, they will remember you if you hand them an interesting or unusual business card – you can read more about the reaping benefits at Business Cards Vancouver.
Especially as they are very likely to keep it, and refer to it the next time they need your services or products.
Business cards cannot run out of power — While your phone, tablet and laptop can run out of power, a business card cannot. That is just one reason why many people refuse to give up using business cards. After all, they are just about the most reliable way of introducing yourself to people.
The personal touch — Electronic devices just do not have the same personal touch that a business card does. They also create a very good first impression, and make you stand out from all those other business people who do not have them. Perfect if you want to beat the competition too.
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